Pre-owned Cars For Sale in Austin

Cars, Cash and Credit

At Hollimon Transportation, we offer you not only cars, but cars at reasonable prices and from sellers with quite reasonable credit scores. Buy pre-owned cars in Austin as well as in many other major cities of Texas as well. Our pre-owned cars for sale in Austin are gaining rapid popularity among our customers, as our inventories are often emptied soon after being replenished. New models keep being inducted while older ones are sold.

Finance Experts

You can visit our Finance section information to find out about the agencies we have partnered with. We understand that our customers can be in different financial situations, so our finance experts offer consultation regarding good and bad credit scores, interest rates and loan schedules etc. Hence, thanks to the efforts of our qualified experts, we are able to offer smooth and hassle-free transactions to our customers.

Reliability and Reputation

Hollimon Transportation company derives it’s 95% credit approval ratings from our excellent pre-owned cars for sale in Austin, Houston and other major cities of Texas. As mentioned above, we have developed a streamlined, simplified procedure to cater to your financial needs and provide flexibility and high quality at the same time. We desire that our customers face the minimum amount of stress and time constraints when acquiring a new or used car from our company.

Buy, Sell or Exchange

You might have heard of many other car companies that offer cars at moderate to expensive rates. When you think of buying a new car and doing away with your current car, you most certainly must have faced the following common dilemma: whether to sell the old car first or buy the new car first? Selling an old car to earn some bucks before investing additional money to buy a new car is an all too common approach taken by hundreds of ordinary people. The usual burden to seeing this through is finding a convenient dealer who would sell your car at the best price and another, or same, dealer who would sell you a car at the cheapest possible rate. 

However, wouldn’t it be much simpler if you were the given the option to just trade your car in return for another car, with the difference in value to be covered in cash? We at Hollimon Transportation not only provide the opportunity to buy pre-owned cars in Austin, we offer you the opportunity to exchange cars as well. So, if you do not wish to go around making double rounds, one for selling your car, another for buying one, do come over to our showrooms and select your next dream car. Speaking of showroom by the way, you can visit one right away.

Loan Calculator and Virtual Showroom

You can go to our Finance section to use our free ‘Loan Calculator’ there to obtain accurate estimates of our prices and quotes. To view the cars available in our showroom, go to the Inventory tab to gain access to our virtual showroom.

We hope you will be able to find what you are looking for, for the price you are looking for.
